Hello, I’m John Horsey, and I’d like to introduce you to the three yearly modules of our Diploma in Horticulture. This course is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing you to learn from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. We understand that everyone has different learning styles and schedules, which is why we’ve made our course as accessible as possible.
Each module of the course is packed with comprehensive and engaging content, covering a wide range of horticultural topics. From the basics of plant biology to the complexities of landscape design, we’ve got you covered. And the best part? You can learn whenever and wherever suits you best.
But don’t worry, you won’t be alone on this journey. I’ll be hosting regular live streaming Q&A sessions to answer your questions, provide additional insights, and ensure you’re getting the most out of the course. It’s a great opportunity to deepen your understanding and interact with fellow horticulture enthusiasts.
So, are you ready to embark on this exciting journey? Let’s dive into the modules!
Horticultural Skills
An Introduction to the Basic Horticultural Skills of Plant Identification, Site Assessment, Cultivations, Planting, Pruning, and Propagation
Plant Knowledge & Botany
Plant Identification Features, Life Cycles, Classification, Structure, Function, Reproduction, and Breeding.
Soil Management
Soil Formation, Composition, Structure, pH, Nutrients, Fertilizers, Manures, and Management.
Plant Propagation
Propagation Techniques from Seed Sowing, through the Range of Cuttings, Division, Layering, Budding, and Grafting with Post Propagation Care
Garden Design
The process of design from customer consultation, site assessment, Measurements, and the production of a range of plans through to the Installation of hard and soft landscaping
Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
The Range of Trees, Shrubs, Conifers, Hedging Plants, Climbers, and Wall Shrubs and their use in Garden Design
Decorative Horticulture
The Range and Use of Herbaceous Perennials, Annuals, Ground Cover Plants, Bulbs, Aquatic and Alpine Plants, Herbs, Turf, Ornamental Grasses, and Container Grown Subject
Plant Protection
Control and Identification of Plant Pests, Diseases, Disorders, and Weeds with An emphasis on Organic Control Measures and Natural Predators
Fruit and Vegetables
The Cultivation of the full range of Vegetables, Soft and Top Fruit. The Different Techniques and Alternative Growing Methods
Organic Growing
Alternative Growing Methods, Companion Planting, Organic Principles, Cultivation, Plant Protection, Organisations, and Standards
Conservation & Wildlife Gardening
Conservation History and Legislation, World Biomes, Ecological Principles, Protected Species, Creation and Management of Wildlife Ponds and Woodland Edge, Conservation Programmes, and Identification of Native Species
Amenity Horticulture
Plants for Winter Interest, Shade, and Drought. The use of Mediterranean, Japanese, Prairie, and Gravel Gardens and their Plants